Simbras Blazing Ahead Aansporings Bonus: Hiermee wil ons graag al ons gewaardeerde kliënte bedank vir die lojale ondersteuning tydens ons vorige 5 produksie veilings. Baie dankie!! Om die aantreklikheid van die Veiling te verhoog sal ons ‘n Aansporings Bonus stelsel in werking stel: Dis maklik, almal wat Stoetbeeste op Blazing gekoop het in 2012, ontvang ‘n Bonus van 5 sent vir elke Rand spandeer op aankope in 2012 wat aangewend kan word op aankope in 2013. M.a.w. die Bonus word altyd benut op die volgende jaar se veiling! 2013 se Bonus (5% op aankope) word in 2014 aangewend. Die Bonus is nie oordragbaar na ‘n ander person of jaar nie en word ook nie uitbetaal nie.
Simbras Blazing Ahead Incentive Bonus: We would hereby like to thank all our valued clients for their loyal support at our 5 previous production auctions. Thank you very much! In order to make the auction more appealing, we are implementing an Incentive Bonus System. It’s easy; everyone that purchased stud cattle at the 2012 Blazing Ahead Auction will receive 5 cents for every Rand spent in purchases, which can then be used for purchases made now in 2013. In other words, the bonus will be used for the following year’s auction. The 2013 Bonus (5% of purchases) will be used in 2014. The bonus is not transferrable to another person or year and will also not be paid out.