SimXtravaganza 2015

16 OCTOBER 2015
11h00 Agra/Bank Windhoek Sales Ring on the Windhoek Show Grounds

SOLD:Kamab Governor - DM12366B

Kamab Governor - DM12366B

Kamab Governor – DM12366B

2015 Windhoek Show Junior Champion Simbra Bull!! A bull with style, presence and outstanding hair quality! He has got the rear. He has got the ear. Use this champion bull, son of one of Kamab’s current top performing stud sires, KAMAB Ginger Ale, to produce your next line of steers and replacement females!

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Sold: Kamab - DM12446

Kamab - DM12446

Kamab – DM12446

This POLLED Royal Flush son is out of one of Kamab’s top breeding cow’s that has already produced several top bulls including Stud Sire, Kamab Gorberchov. Use him to moderate your cows with the POLLED factor as an added bonus!

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Sold: Kamab - DM12454

Kamab - DM12454

Kamab – DM12454

As always, KAMAB stud sire Bleka Kovu has produced the goods yet again!! This Kovu son is the right bull to produce you the weaners you have been striving to produce! Strong bone and the solid build his sire is becoming known for!

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Sold: Kamab - KB12659

Kamab - KB12659

Kamab – KB12659

A dark red POLLED Ibenstein Ermo son with great balance and growth EBV’s! Use him to introduce the POLLED factor into you breeding program and to produce top growing calves and steers!

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