The Kamab Simbra Stud
When you buy Kamab, you are buying Quality!In 1995 Katja & Diethelm Metzger started their own farming operation and the Kamab Simbra Stud was established. Cows from the Metsibra Simbra Stud formed the base breeding herd of Kamab Simbra. At the same time Diethelms father wanted to sell his Brahman stud and so instead of doing so they bought two Simmentaler bulls, one from Lichtenstein Stud and the other from Buschbrunn Stud, to use them on the Brahman cows to produce the first B1 animals
Kamab Simbra stud’s most important goals have always been high fertility and maximum meat production from the veld. Fertility in the females is very strictly observed and only the best bulls get selected. Even though this is the biggest Simbra Stud in Southern Africa, producing about 350 calves a year, only up to 40 Bulls are selected per anum. Only with a very strict selection in place can a high quality animal be guaranteed.
The first two important Simbra Bulls bought were Steven (BS) and “Teufel” (Makam). Both of them had a very strong influence on the further development of the Kamab Stud. “Teufel” produced the bull “Tundra”, a very broad bull with an exceptionally long hind muscle. Tundra was not tall but carried an enormous amount of meat. He produced many good bulls which were later sold to other studs, such as Triple V, Timon, Pumba, Scar, Simba, Mufasa and others. Another quite famous bull was Tingeling who was also sired by Teufel. Tingeling seemed to be the perfect Bull as he was red with only a little white, a very long bull with good muscling. Both bulls were used extensively and their progeny still excel today.
Bingo is surely another important bull which may not be forgotten. He was bred out of Benjamin. Bingo, also a very long bull, produced exceptionally good female progeny.